default_color = "-1"; info_eol = "false"; replaces = { "[]" = "%b$*%n"; }; abstracts = { ## GENERIC line_start = "%R»%n"; timestamp = "%c$*%n"; hilight = "%_$*%_"; error = "%R$*%n"; channel = "%_$*%_"; nick = "%_$*%_"; nickhost = "[$*]"; server = "%_$*%_"; comment = "[$*]"; reason = "[$*]"; mode = "[$*]"; ## CHANNEL SPECIFIC MESSAGES channick_hilight = "%C$*%n"; chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$*%n}"; channick = "%c$*%n"; chanhost = "{nickhost $*}"; channelhilight = "%c$*%n"; ban = "%c$*%n"; ## MESSAGES msgnick = "$0$1-%c:%n "; ownmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; ownnick = "%W$*%n"; pubmsgnick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; pubnick = "%N$*%n"; pubmsgmenick = "{msgnick $0 $1-}"; menick = "%R$*%n"; pubmsghinick = "{msgnick $1 $0$2-%n}"; msgchannel = "%K:%c$*%n"; privmsg = "[%R$0%K(%r$1-%K)%n] "; ownprivmsg = "[%r$0%K(%R$1-%K)%n] "; ownprivmsgnick = "{msgnick $*}"; ownprivnick = "%W$*%n"; privmsgnick = "{msgnick %R$*%n}"; ## ACTIONS action_core = "* %W$*%n "; action = "{action_core $*}"; ownaction = "{action $*}"; ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n "; pvtaction = "%W (*) $*%n "; pvtaction_query = "{action $*}"; pubaction = "{action $*}"; ## OTHER IRC EVENTS whois = " $[8]0 : $1-"; ownnotice = "%r$0%n > %R$1-: %n"; notice = "%rnotice%n < %R$0: %n"; pubnotice_channel = "%K:%m$*"; pvtnotice_host = ""; servernotice = "%g!$*%n "; ownctcp = "%r$0%n > %R$1: %n"; ctcp = "%rctcp %n< %r$0%R: %n$2-"; wallop = "%W$*%n: "; wallop_nick = "%n$*"; wallop_action = "%W * $*%n "; netsplit = "%R$*%n"; netjoin = "%C$*%n"; names_prefix = ""; names_nick = "[%_$0%_$1-] "; names_nick_op = "{names_nick $*}"; names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick $*}"; names_nick_voice = "{names_nick $*}"; names_users = "[%g$*%n]"; names_channel = "%G$*%n"; dcc = "%g$*%n"; dccfile = "%_$*%_"; dccownmsg = "[%r$0%K($1-%K)%n] "; dccownnick = "%R$*%n"; dccownquerynick = "%W$*%n"; dccownaction = "{action $*}"; dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%K:%c$1%n "; dccmsg = "[%G$1-%K(%g$0%K)%n] "; dccquerynick = "%G$*%n"; dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $*%n %|"; ## STATUSBAR sb_background = "%4%w"; sb_prompt_bg = "%n"; sb_info_bg = "%8"; sbstart = ""; sbend = " "; prompt = "%c$*%n: "; sb = " %c[%n$*%c]%n"; sbmode = ""; # sbaway = " %c»%n %C$0%n"; sbaway = " %c»%n %C$0%n "; sb_window_act = "$*"; sbservertag = ":$0"; sb_act_sep = "%c$*"; sb_act_text = "%c$*"; sb_act_msg = "%W$*"; sb_act_hilight = "%R$*"; sb_act_hilight_color = "$0%R$1-%n"; }; formats = { "fe-common/irc" = { away = "You are away: %C$A%n."; unaway = "You are no longer away."; whois_idle = "{whois idle %|$1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs}"; whois_idle_signon = "{whois idle %|$1 days $2 hours $3 mins $4 secs {comment signon: $5}}"; topic_info = "Topic set by {nick $0} {comment $1}"; default_event_server = "$c$0 $1"; netsplit = "{netsplit Netsplit} {server $0} <-> {server $1} quits: $2"; netsplit_more = "{netsplit Netsplit} {server $0} <-> {server $1} quits: $2 (+$3 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)"; netsplit_join = "{netjoin Netsplit} over, joins: $0"; netsplit_join_more = "{netjoin Netsplit} over, joins: $0 (+$1 more)"; no_netsplits = "There are no net splits"; netsplits_header = "%#Nick Channel Server Splitted server"; netsplits_line = "%#$[9]0 $[10]1 $[20]2 $3"; netsplits_footer = ""; network_added = "Network $0 saved"; network_removed = "Network $0 removed"; network_not_found = "Network $0 not found"; network_header = "%#Networks:"; network_line = "%#$0: $1"; network_footer = ""; setupserver_header = "%#Server Port Network Settings"; setupserver_line = "%#%|$[!20]0 $[5]1 $[10]2 $3"; setupserver_footer = ""; joinerror_toomany = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You have joined to too many channels)"; joinerror_full = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is full)"; joinerror_invite = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You must be invited)"; joinerror_banned = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (You are banned)"; joinerror_bad_key = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel key)"; joinerror_bad_mask = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Bad channel mask)"; joinerror_unavail = "Cannot join to channel {channel $0} (Channel is temporarily unavailable)"; joinerror_duplicate = "Channel {channel $0} already exists - cannot create it"; channel_rejoin = "Channel {channel $0} is temporarily unavailable, this is normally because of netsplits. Irssi will now automatically try to rejoin back to this channel until the join is successful. Use /RMREJOINS command if you wish to abort this."; inviting = "Inviting {nick $0} to {channel $1}"; channel_created = "Channel {channelhilight $0} created $1"; url = "Home page for {channelhilight $0}: $1"; topic = "Topic for {channelhilight $0}: $1"; no_topic = "No topic set for {channelhilight $0}"; chanmode_change = "mode/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}"; server_chanmode_change = "smode/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1} by {nick $2}"; channel_mode = "mode/{channelhilight $0} {mode $1}"; bantype = "Ban type changed to {channel $0}"; no_bans = "No bans in channel {channel $0}"; banlist = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2}"; banlist_long = "$0 - {channel $1}: ban {ban $2} {comment by {nick $3}, $4 secs ago}"; ebanlist = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1}"; ebanlist_long = "{channel $0}: ban exception {ban $1} {comment by {nick $2}, $3 secs ago}"; no_invitelist = "Invite list is empty in channel {channel $0}"; invitelist = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1}"; no_such_channel = "{channel $0}: No such channel"; channel_synced = "Join to {channel $0} was synced in {hilight $1} secs"; usermode_change = "Mode change {mode $0} for user {nick $1}"; user_mode = "Your user mode is {mode $0}"; nick_away = "{nick $0} is away: $1"; no_such_nick = "{nick $0}: No such nick/channel"; nick_in_use = "Nick {nick $0} is already in use"; nick_unavailable = "Nick {nick $0} is temporarily unavailable"; your_nick_owned = "Your nick is owned by {nick $3} {comment $1@$2}"; whois = "{nick $0} {nickhost $1@$2}%:{whois ircname $3}"; whowas = "{nick $0} {nickhost $1@$2}%:{whois was $3}"; whois_server = "{whois server %|$1 {comment $2}}"; whois_oper = "{whois {hilight $1}}"; whois_modes = " {whois modes $1}"; whois_realhost = "{whois hostname $1-}"; whois_usermode = "{whois usermode $1}"; whois_channels = "{whois channels %|$1}"; whois_away = "{whois away %|$1}"; whois_special = "{whois %|$1}"; whois_extra = "{whois %|$1}"; end_of_whois = "End of WHOIS"; end_of_whowas = "End of WHOWAS"; whois_not_found = "There is no such nick $0"; who = "%#{channelhilight $[-10]0} %|{nick $[!9]1} $[!3]2 $[!2]3 $4@$5 {comment {hilight $6}}"; end_of_who = "End of /WHO list"; own_notice = "{ownnotice notice $0}$1"; own_action = "{ownaction $0}$1"; own_action_target = "{ownaction_target $0 $2}$1"; own_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2"; notice_server = "{servernotice $0}$1"; notice_public = "{notice $0{pubnotice_channel $1}}$2"; notice_private = "{notice $0{pvtnotice_host $1}}$2"; action_private = "{pvtaction $0}$2"; action_private_query = "{pvtaction_query $0}$2"; action_public = "{pubaction $0}$1"; action_public_channel = "{pubaction $0{msgchannel $1}}$2"; ctcp_reply = "CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick $1}: $2"; ctcp_reply_channel = "CTCP {hilight $0} reply from {nick $1} in channel {channel $3}: $2"; ctcp_ping_reply = "CTCP {hilight PING} reply from {nick $0}: $1.$[-3.0]2 seconds"; ctcp_requested = "{ctcp {hilight $0} {comment $1} requested CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3"; ctcp_requested_unknown = "{ctcp {hilight $0} {comment $1} requested unknown CTCP {hilight $2} from {nick $4}}: $3"; online = "Users online: {hilight $0}"; pong = "PONG received from $0: $1"; wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_nick $0}} $1"; action_wallops = "{wallop WALLOP {wallop_action $0}} $1"; kill = "You were {error killed} by {nick $0} {nickhost $1} {reason $2} {comment Path: $3}"; kill_server = "You were {error killed} by {server $0} {reason $1} {comment Path: $2}"; error = "{error ERROR} $0"; unknown_mode = "Unknown mode character $0"; default_event = "$1"; silenced = "Silenced {nick $0}"; unsilenced = "Unsilenced {nick $0}"; silence_line = "{nick $0}: silence {ban $1}"; ask_oper_pass = "Operator password:"; accept_list = "Accepted users: {hilight $0}"; invitelist_long = "{channel $0}: invite {ban $1} {comment by {nick $2}, $3 secs ago}"; sasl_success = "SASL authentication succeeded"; sasl_error = "Cannot authenticate via SASL ($0)"; }; "fe-common/core" = { endofnames = "{channel $0}: {hilight $1} users {comment {hilight $2} ops, {hilight $4} voices, {hilight $5} normal}"; line_start_irssi = "{line_start} %rIrssi: %n"; servertag = "%g$0 "; daychange = "Day changed to: \0035%%A %%d.%%m.%%Y"; refnum_too_low = "Window number must be greater than 0"; windowlist_header = "%B%#Ref Name Active item Server Level%n"; windows_layout_saved = "Layout saved"; windows_layout_reset = "Layout reset"; connecting = "Connecting to {server $0}:{hilight $2}"; cant_connect = "Can't connect {server $0}:{hilight $1} {reason $2}"; join = "{channick_hilight $0} {chanhost_hilight $1} has joined {channel $2}"; new_topic = "{nick $0} changed the topic of {channel $1} to: %c$2%n"; nick_changed = "{channick $0} is now known as {channick_hilight $1}"; chanlist_line = "%#{channel $[-12]0} %|%c+$[8]1%n: $3"; query_start = "Starting query with %c$0%n"; line_start = "{line_start} "; timestamp = "{timestamp $Z} "; talking_with = "You are now talking with {nick $0}"; error_server_sticky = "Window's server is sticky and it cannot be changed without -unsticky option"; set_server_sticky = "Window's server set sticky"; unset_server_sticky = "Window's server isn't sticky anymore"; window_name_not_unique = "Window names must be unique"; window_level = "Window level is now $0"; window_set_immortal = "Window is now immortal"; window_unset_immortal = "Window isn't immortal anymore"; window_immortal_error = "Window is immortal, if you really want to close it, say /WINDOW IMMORTAL OFF"; windowlist_line = "%#$[3]0 %|$[20]1 $[15]2 $[15]3 $4"; windowlist_footer = ""; window_info_header = ""; window_info_footer = ""; window_info_refnum = "%#Window : {hilight #$0}"; window_info_refnum_sticky = "%#Window : {hilight #$0 (sticky)}"; window_info_name = "%#Name : $0"; window_info_history = "%#History : $0"; window_info_immortal = "%#Immortal: yes"; window_info_size = "%#Size : $0x$1"; window_info_level = "%#Level : $0"; window_info_server = "%#Server : $0"; window_info_server_sticky = "%#Server : $0 (sticky)"; window_info_theme = "%#Theme : $0$1"; window_info_bound_items_header = "%#Bounds : {hilight Name Server tag}"; window_info_bound_item = "%# : $[!30]0 $[!15]1 $2"; window_info_bound_items_footer = ""; window_info_items_header = "%#Items : {hilight Name Server tag}"; window_info_item = "%# $[7]0: $[!30]1 $2"; window_info_items_footer = ""; looking_up = "Looking up {server $0}"; reconnecting = "Reconnecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2} - use /RMRECONNS to abort"; connection_established = "Connection to {server $0} established"; connection_lost = "Connection lost to {server $0}"; lag_disconnected = "No PONG reply from server {server $0} in $1 seconds, disconnecting"; disconnected = "Disconnected from {server $0} {reason $1}"; server_quit = "Disconnecting from server {server $0}: {reason $1}"; server_changed = "Changed to {hilight $2} server {server $1}"; unknown_server_tag = "Unknown server tag {server $0}"; no_connected_servers = "Not connected to any servers"; server_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3)"; server_lookup_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) (connecting...)"; server_reconnect_list = "{server $0}: $1:$2 ($3) ($5 left before reconnecting)"; server_reconnect_removed = "Removed reconnection to server {server $0} port {hilight $1}"; server_reconnect_not_found = "Reconnection tag {server $0} not found"; setupserver_added = "Server {server $0} saved"; setupserver_removed = "Server {server $0} removed"; setupserver_not_found = "Server {server $0} not found"; your_nick = "Your nickname is {nick $0}"; part = "{channick $0} {chanhost $1} has left {channel $2} {reason $3}"; kick = "{channick $0} was kicked from {channel $1} by {nick $2} {reason $3}"; quit = "{channick $0} {chanhost $1} has quit {reason $2}"; quit_once = "{channel $3} {channick $0} {chanhost $1} has quit {reason $2}"; invite = "{nick $0} invites you to {channel $1}"; not_invited = "You have not been invited to a channel!"; topic_unset = "Topic unset by {nick $0} on {channel $1}"; your_nick_changed = "You're now known as {nick $1}"; talking_in = "You are now talking in {channel $0}"; not_in_channels = "You are not on any channels"; current_channel = "Current channel {channel $0}"; names = "{names_users Users {names_channel $0}}"; names_prefix = "%#{names_prefix $0}"; names_nick_op = "{names_nick_op $0 $1}"; names_nick_halfop = "{names_nick_halfop $0 $1}"; names_nick_voice = "{names_nick_voice $0 $1}"; names_nick = "{names_nick $0 $1}"; chanlist_header = "%#You are on the following channels:"; chansetup_not_found = "Channel {channel $0} not found"; chansetup_added = "Channel {channel $0} saved"; chansetup_removed = "Channel {channel $0} removed"; chansetup_header = "%#Channel Network Password Settings"; chansetup_line = "%#{channel $[15]0} %|$[10]1 $[10]2 $3"; chansetup_footer = ""; own_msg = "{ownmsgnick $2 {ownnick $0}}$1"; own_msg_channel = "{ownmsgnick $3 {ownnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"; own_msg_private = "{ownprivmsg msg $0}$1"; own_msg_private_query = "{ownprivmsgnick {ownprivnick $2}}$1"; pubmsg_me = "{pubmsgmenick $2 {menick $0}}$1"; pubmsg_me_channel = "{pubmsgmenick $3 {menick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"; pubmsg_hilight = "{pubmsghinick $0 $3 $1}$2"; pubmsg_hilight_channel = "{pubmsghinick $0 $4 $1{msgchannel $2}}$3"; pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick $0}}$1"; pubmsg_channel = "{pubmsgnick $3 {pubnick $0}{msgchannel $1}}$2"; msg_private = "{privmsg $0 $1}$2"; msg_private_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$2"; no_msgs_got = "You have not received a message from anyone yet"; no_msgs_sent = "You have not sent a message to anyone yet"; query_stop = "Closing query with {nick $0}"; no_query = "No query with {nick $0}"; query_server_changed = "Query with {nick $0} changed to server {server $1}"; hilight_header = "%#Highlights:"; hilight_line = "%#$[-4]0 $1 $2 $3$4"; hilight_footer = ""; hilight_not_found = "Highlight not found: $0"; hilight_removed = "Highlight removed: $0"; alias_added = "Alias $0 added"; alias_removed = "Alias $0 removed"; alias_not_found = "No such alias: $0"; aliaslist_header = "%#Aliases:"; aliaslist_line = "%#$[10]0 $1"; aliaslist_footer = ""; log_opened = "Log file {hilight $0} opened"; log_closed = "Log file {hilight $0} closed"; log_create_failed = "Couldn't create log file {hilight $0}: $1"; log_locked = "Log file {hilight $0} is locked, probably by another running Irssi"; log_not_open = "Log file {hilight $0} not open"; log_started = "Started logging to file {hilight $0}"; log_stopped = "Stopped logging to file {hilight $0}"; log_list_header = "%#Logs:"; log_list = "%#$0 $1: $2 $3$4"; log_list_footer = ""; windowlog_file = "Window LOGFILE set to $0"; windowlog_file_logging = "Can't change window's logfile while log is on"; no_away_msgs = "No new messages in awaylog"; away_msgs = "{hilight $1} new messages in awaylog:"; module_header = "%#Module Type Submodules"; module_line = "%#$[!20]0 $[7]1 $2"; module_footer = ""; module_already_loaded = "Module {hilight $0/$1} already loaded"; module_not_loaded = "Module {hilight $0/$1} is not loaded"; module_load_error = "Error loading module {hilight $0/$1}: $2"; module_invalid = "{hilight $0/$1} isn't Irssi module"; module_loaded = "Loaded module {hilight $0/$1}"; module_unloaded = "Unloaded module {hilight $0/$1}"; command_unknown = "Unknown command: $0"; command_ambiguous = "Ambiguous command: $0"; option_unknown = "Unknown option: $0"; option_ambiguous = "Ambiguous option: $0"; option_missing_arg = "Missing required argument for: $0"; not_enough_params = "Not enough parameters given"; not_connected = "Not connected to server"; not_joined = "Not joined to any channel"; chan_not_found = "Not joined to such channel"; chan_not_synced = "Channel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while"; illegal_proto = "Command isn't designed for the chat protocol of the active server"; not_good_idea = "Doing this is not a good idea. Add -YES option to command if you really mean it"; invalid_time = "Invalid timestamp"; invalid_level = "Invalid message level"; invalid_size = "Invalid size"; invalid_charset = "Invalid charset: $0"; program_not_found = "Could not find file or file was not executable"; eval_max_recurse = "/eval hit maximum recursion limit"; theme_saved = "Theme saved to $0"; theme_save_failed = "Error saving theme to $0: $1"; theme_not_found = "Theme {hilight $0} not found"; theme_changed = "Using now theme {hilight $0} ($1)"; window_theme = "Using theme {hilight $0} in this window"; window_theme_default = "No theme is set for this window"; window_theme_changed = "Using now theme {hilight $0} ($1) in this window"; window_theme_removed = "Removed theme from this window"; format_title = "%:[{hilight $0}] - [{hilight $1}]%:"; format_subtitle = "[{hilight $0}]"; format_item = "$0 = $1"; ignored = "Ignoring {hilight $1} from {nick $0}"; ignored_options = "Ignoring {hilight $1} from {nick $0} {comment $2}"; unignored = "Unignored {nick $0}"; ignore_not_found = "{nick $0} is not being ignored"; ignore_no_ignores = "There are no ignores"; ignore_header = "%#Ignorance List:"; ignore_line = "%#$[-4]0 $1: $2 $3 $4"; ignore_footer = ""; not_channel_or_query = "The current window is not a channel or query window"; conversion_added = "Added {hilight $0}/{hilight $1} to conversion database"; conversion_removed = "Removed {hilight $0} from conversion database"; conversion_not_found = "{hilight $0} not found in conversion database"; conversion_no_translits = "Transliterations not supported in this system"; recode_header = "%#Target Character set"; recode_line = "%#%|$[!30]0 $1"; unknown_chat_protocol = "Unknown chat protocol: $0"; unknown_chatnet = "Unknown chat network: $0 (create it with /NETWORK ADD)"; not_toggle = "Value must be either ON, OFF or TOGGLE"; perl_error = "Perl error: $0"; bind_header = "%#Key Action"; bind_list = "%#$[!20]0 $1 $2"; bind_footer = ""; bind_unknown_id = "Unknown bind action: $0"; config_saved = "Saved configuration to file $0"; config_reloaded = "Reloaded configuration"; config_modified = "Configuration file was modified since irssi was last started - do you want to overwrite the possible changes?"; glib_error = "{error $0} $1"; overwrite_config = "Overwrite config (y/N)?"; set_title = "[{hilight $0}]"; set_item = "$0 = $1"; set_unknown = "Unknown setting $0"; set_not_boolean = "Setting {hilight $0} isn't boolean, use /SET"; translation_not_found = "Error opening translation table file $0: $1"; translation_file_error = "Error parsing translation table file $0"; no_completions = "There's no completions"; completion_removed = "Removed completion $0"; completion_header = "%#Key Value Auto"; completion_line = "%#$[10]0 $[!40]1 $2"; completion_footer = ""; invalid_number = "Invalid number"; bind_command_list = "$[!30]0 $1"; module_version_mismatch = "{hilight $0/$1} is ABI version $2 but Irssi is version $abiversion, cannot load"; invalid_choice = "Invalid choice, must be one of $0"; no_server_defined = "No servers defined for this network, see /help server for how to add one"; tls_ephemeral_key = "EDH Key: {hilight $0} bit {hilight $1}"; tls_ephemeral_key_unavailable = "EDH Key: {error N/A}"; tls_pubkey = "Public Key: {hilight $0} bit {hilight $1}, valid from {hilight $2} to {hilight $3}"; tls_cert_header = "Certificate Chain:"; tls_cert_subject = " Subject: {hilight $0}"; tls_cert_issuer = " Issuer: {hilight $0}"; tls_pubkey_fingerprint = "Public Key Fingerprint: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1})"; tls_cert_fingerprint = "Certificate Fingerprint: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1})"; tls_protocol_version = "Protocol: {hilight $0} ({hilight $1} bit, {hilight $2})"; }; "fe-common/irc/notifylist" = { notify_unaway = "%cOn:%n {nick $0} [$1@$2] (Unaway)"; notify_online = "%cOn:%n {hilight $1}"; notify_offline = "Nobody online? Full notify list: /FNL"; notify_list = "{comment $[20]0}: $1 $2 $3"; notify_join = "%cOn:%n {nick $0} [$1@$2] (Join)"; notify_part = "%ROff:%n {nick $0} [$1@$2] (Quit)"; notify_away = "%ROff:%n {nick $0} [$1@$2] (Away)"; notify_unidle = "%cOn:%n {nick $0} [$1@$2] (Unidle)"; notify_list_empty = "The notify list is empty"; }; "fe-text" = { lastlog_too_long = "/LASTLOG would print $0 lines. Use -force to print."; lastlog_count = "{hilight Lastlog}: $0 lines"; lastlog_start = "{hilight Lastlog}:"; lastlog_end = "{hilight End of Lastlog}"; lastlog_separator = "--"; refnum_not_found = "Window number $0 not found"; window_too_small = "Not enough room to resize this window"; cant_hide_last = "You can't hide the last window"; cant_hide_sticky_windows = "You can't hide sticky windows (use /WINDOW STICK OFF)"; cant_show_sticky_windows = "You can't show sticky windows (use /WINDOW STICK OFF)"; window_not_sticky = "Window is not sticky"; window_set_sticky = "Window set sticky"; window_unset_sticky = "Window is not sticky anymore"; window_info_sticky = "%#Sticky : $0"; window_info_scroll = "%#Scroll : $0"; window_scroll = "Window scroll mode is now $0"; window_scroll_unknown = "Unknown scroll mode $0, must be ON, OFF or DEFAULT"; statusbar_list_header = "%#Name Type Placement Position Visible"; statusbar_list_footer = ""; statusbar_list = "%#$[30]0 $[6]1 $[9]2 $[8]3 $4"; statusbar_info_name = "%#Statusbar: {hilight $0}"; statusbar_info_type = "%#Type : $0"; statusbar_info_placement = "%#Placement: $0"; statusbar_info_position = "%#Position : $0"; statusbar_info_visible = "%#Visible : $0"; statusbar_info_item_header = "%#Items : Name Priority Alignment"; statusbar_info_item_footer = ""; statusbar_info_item_name = "%# : $[35]0 $[9]1 $2"; statusbar_not_found = "Statusbar doesn't exist: $0"; statusbar_item_not_found = "Statusbar item doesn't exist: $0"; statusbar_unknown_command = "Unknown statusbar command: $0"; statusbar_unknown_type = "Statusbar type must be 'window' or 'root'"; statusbar_unknown_placement = "Statusbar placement must be 'top' or 'bottom'"; statusbar_unknown_visibility = "Statusbar visibility must be 'always', 'active' or 'inactive'"; paste_warning = "Pasting $0 lines to $1. Continue [Ctrl-K] or Cancel [Ctrl-C]"; paste_prompt = "Hit Ctrl-K to paste, Ctrl-C to abort?"; lastlog_date = "%%F "; }; "fe-common/perl" = { script_not_found = "Script {hilight $0} not found"; script_not_loaded = "Script {hilight $0} is not loaded"; script_loaded = "Loaded script {hilight $0}"; script_unloaded = "Unloaded script {hilight $0}"; no_scripts_loaded = "No scripts are loaded"; script_list_header = "%#Loaded scripts:"; script_list_line = "%#$[!15]0 $1"; script_list_footer = ""; script_error = "{error Error in script {hilight $0}:}"; }; "fe-common/irc/dcc" = { own_dcc = "{dccownmsg dcc {dccownnick $1}}$2"; own_dcc_action = "{dccownaction_target $0 $1}$2"; own_dcc_action_query = "{dccownaction $0}$2"; own_dcc_ctcp = "{ownctcp ctcp $0}$1 $2"; dcc_msg = "{dccmsg dcc $0}$1"; action_dcc = "{dccaction $0}$1"; action_dcc_query = "{dccaction $0}$1"; own_dcc_query = "{ownmsgnick {dccownquerynick $0}}$2"; dcc_msg_query = "{privmsgnick $0}$1"; dcc_ctcp = "{dcc >>> DCC CTCP {hilight $1} received from {hilight $0}: $2}"; dcc_chat = "{dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]}"; dcc_chat_channel = "{dcc DCC CHAT from {nick $0} [$1 port $2] requested in channel {channel $3}}"; dcc_chat_not_found = "{dcc No DCC CHAT connection open to {nick $0}}"; dcc_chat_connected = "{dcc DCC CHAT connection with {nick $0} [$1 port $2] established}"; dcc_chat_disconnected = "{dcc DCC lost chat to {nick $0}}"; dcc_send = "{dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4]}"; dcc_send_channel = "{dcc DCC SEND from {nick $0} [$1 port $2]: $3 [$4 bytes] requested in channel {channel $5}}"; dcc_send_exists = "{dcc DCC already sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}"; dcc_send_no_route = "{dcc DCC route lost to nick {nick $0} when trying to send file {dccfile $1}}"; dcc_send_not_found = "{dcc DCC not sending file {dccfile $1} to {nick $0}}"; dcc_send_file_open_error = "{dcc DCC can't open file {dccfile $0}: $1}"; dcc_send_connected = "{dcc DCC sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}"; dcc_send_complete = "{dcc DCC sent file {dccfile $0} [{hilight $1}] for {nick $2} in {hilight $3} [{hilight $4kB/s}]}"; dcc_send_aborted = "{dcc DCC aborted sending file {dccfile $0} for {nick $1}}"; dcc_get_not_found = "{dcc DCC no file offered by {nick $0}}"; dcc_get_connected = "{dcc DCC receiving file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1} [$2 port $3]}"; dcc_get_complete = "{dcc DCC received file {dccfile $0} [$1] from {nick $2} in {hilight $3} [$4kB/s]}"; dcc_get_aborted = "{dcc DCC aborted receiving file {dccfile $0} from {nick $1}}"; dcc_get_write_error = "{dcc DCC error writing to file {dccfile $0}: {comment $1}"; dcc_unknown_ctcp = "{dcc DCC unknown ctcp {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}"; dcc_unknown_reply = "{dcc DCC unknown reply {hilight $0} from {nick $1} [$2]}"; dcc_unknown_type = "{dcc DCC unknown type {hilight $0}}"; dcc_invalid_ctcp = "{dcc DCC received CTCP {hilight $0} with invalid parameters from {nick $1}}"; dcc_connect_error = "{dcc DCC can't connect to {hilight $0} port {hilight $1}}"; dcc_cant_create = "{dcc DCC can't create file {dccfile $0}: $1}"; dcc_rejected = "{dcc DCC $0 was rejected by {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}"; dcc_request_send = "{dcc DCC $0 request sent to {nick $1}: $2"; dcc_close = "{dcc DCC $0 close for {nick $1} [{hilight $2}]}"; dcc_lowport = "{dcc Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport ({hilight $0, $1}) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)}"; dcc_list_header = "{dcc DCC connections}"; dcc_list_line_chat = "{dcc $0 $1}"; dcc_list_line_file = "{dcc $0 $1: %|$2 of $3 ($4%%) - $5kB/s - ETA $7 - $6}"; dcc_list_line_queued_send = "{dcc - $0 $2 (queued)}"; dcc_list_footer = ""; dcc_list_line_server = "{dcc $0: Port($1) - Send($2) - Chat($3) - Fserve($4)}"; dcc_server_started = "{dcc DCC SERVER started on port {hilight $0}}"; dcc_server_closed = "{dcc DCC SERVER on port {hilight $0} closed}"; }; };